kalau kita bagi pembankang jadi kerajaan, apa jadi dengan hak keistimewaan orang melayu ?
hmph apa jadi dengan ipta ? right now semua tahu ipta diberi more to melayu. kalau diorang sama ratakan kita tahu tak chinese and indian will conquer them ? sebab diorang lagi pandai. mana budak melayu lain dah lupa diri. jadi budak noob sombong.
uitm tue. right now melayu je so korang tak kisah kalau kaum lain join juga kan ?
matriks pun diberi keutamaan dekat melayu. haih ~
bantuan sekolah biasiswa, rmt, jpa ptptn, pencen, hospital kerajaan
lagi, korang rasa himpunan tue tunjuk how cruel is kerajaan. the police force
if betul kita nak buat something, make sure of something. do it perfectly
right now, malaysia dah macam telur hujung tanduk.
if malaysia ditukar kerajaan, and the future government buang all what we have sebab nak sama or being fair.
wahai melayu sedarlah, kita diberi peluang kenapa. sebab kalau diberi fair to all.
melayu will be the in the bottom.
p/s: to my kawan. saya tak menindas kaum lain or being racist. tapi what if one day china diconquer oleh orang melayu or negara india diconquer oleh org cina. korang marah tak ? tanah air korang bukan kaum sendiri pegang sedangkan itu harta kita. warisan kita. macam saya juga, kenapa saya sibuk with these. i xnak my country yg dah jadi milik orang melayu jatuh. this is the only country yang betul-betul ada all. different races, cultures and yet we lived in harmony but today t_t. Try to think what if this country belongs to you and one day others wanna take it ? this is how i feel. what will happen to malaysia negara orang melayu islam. and lastly, why the bersih thing ambiga leads. right now semua sokong ambiga. what if she becomes the pm ?
is that what we all wanted, remember corrupted people are everywhere. not evone in the government is corrupted. bye
is that what we all wanted, remember corrupted people are everywhere. not evone in the government is corrupted. bye
hehe.. idk. i just read and watch. lepas tu undi la siapa yg rasa betul bagi sayaaaaaaaa... huhu <3